regrets about smoking at 15, drinking at 16, having sex at 17, smoking marijuana/hashish at 18, doing stronger drugs at 19
depression hit about 20. major love drama around 21. then depression hit again at 21 1/2
regrets about losing it all to a fling. regrets about not doing a thing because of fear
working more than both our parents combined. sleeping too little. partying too much. eating too little. then eating too much. drinking too much. working too much. partying lesser and feeling left out. party more, drink more, eat less, smoke more, have meaningless relations
exhaustion at 22. thinking hard about finishing uni. almost losing a year. in the end, we get the degree, 0 satisfaction. tired
giving to much attention to the superficial stuff (i just hi5d your profile). not knowing how some of your IM friends actually look like.
we stopped buying stuff we'll look good in, start buying stuff that'll look good for us. do check my watch next time you see me
living in the extremes, not finding the grey area, ever. and we're only in our 20s, fuck
and i got it all from reading this, it has no connection to it though. in english because it just popped out like that
21 January 2008
more or less, what life is now
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despre cine vorbesti gina? :o
despre nimeni in particular si despre toti in general. unele lucruri sunt adevarate si pt mine, altele nu.
ma gandesc ca poate si tu ai bifat cateva
e rau daca le bifez pe toate ? :|
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